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Technician Training

Become a Technician

A technician is indirectly supervised by a licensed land, water or structural exterminator based upon at least a once per week site visit.

You are required to successfully complete two parts of pesticide safety training:

  • Step 1: an academic course (home study and closed book examination)
  • Step 2: practical training component

Step 1: Academic Course Requirements

  1. Apply to Ontario Pesticide Training & Certification, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus. You must send your payment of $105, payable to the University of Guelph, with the application.
  2. Study all of the "Core Manual" which will be sent to you, and prepare to write the qualifying examination.  You must write the Core Manual Examination within 12 months of your date of application.  During this time you are considered a trainee.
  3. Write the examination.  You must write and successfully complete the Core Manual Examination with a mark of 75% or greater.  You will then receive a Technician Identification Card signed by an official of Ridgetown Campus.
  4. Return the "Applicaton for Pesticide Technician" with payment of $40 if you would like to become a Technician. This must be done within 30 days of exam date.

After your exam session if it is suspected that there was an attempt to cheat on your OPTC exam, your OPTC exam results will be withheld.  After investigation, you may be charged with academic misconduct which could result in a forfeit of your OPTC application and a report being sent to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Academic misconduct includes copying another person’s answers, collaborating with someone else to give/receive answers, or using unauthorized aids (written or electronic).


Please Note:  The Core Manual is the same manual candidates use for Exterminator Licence Certificaton.  Once you successfully complete the Core Manual Examination, you are half way to earning your exterminator certification.  At any time during the next 12 months, you can work towards obtaining your exterimantor certification through Ontario Pesticide Training & Certification.  Call 1-888-620-9999 for more information.

Step 2: Practical Training Requirements

  1. Have a licensed exterminator evaluate your practical training.  This is outlined on the Practical Pesticide Safety Training Document, Part 1, which will be sent to you with your Technician Identification Card.
  2. When you successfully complete the practical training, the licensed exterminator will sign, date and list his / her licence number on your Technician Identification Card.
  3. Fax, mail or scan and email  a copy of your signed Technician Identification Card to the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus within 5 working days to officially register as a Technician.

Do not send the original card - you must keep it with you when you are working.

Renewal Requirements

You must renew your technican status every two years by once again successfully completing the academic and practical training requirements.



Reviewed 01/16/2025